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HermesArtStudios - Art solutions

Arte, Ricerca, Spettacolo, Scrittura

Hic vivit Hermes

in nigro cogitationibus,
in rubro laetitia,
in albi desiderio.

Mirus filius Iovis,
Cygno Ledaque natus.

Nolite eum turbare,

Medaglia della Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana, gli Studi d’Arte Associati nascono dal Gruppo Hermes, fondato nel 1992.
Dal 1999 al 2003 il Gruppo Hermes si costituisce in forma societaria.
Nel 2002 nasce l’associazione Hermes Studi d’Arte Associati.

Tre artisti con un sogno...

We live in an era of globalization, the era of the woman. Never in the history of the world have humans been more in control of their destiny. We don’t try to be in fashion; we don’t try to follow trends.

You just end up out of arts that way. Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way. The important thing is to take your time and not get stressed. Art is not something that exists.

Art is in the sky, in the street, art has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. Sometimes incompetence is useful. It helps you keep an open mind. Over the years we have learned that what is important in an artwork is the meaning inside it. We are not interested in shock tactics. We just want to make beautiful things. Age and portfolios are only numbers. It’s the attitude that make the difference.

Curated with care

Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections. Art is a very stressful place to work because of the demands of doing the exhibitions – no one expects a writer to produce two books a year on the dot – but it’s also a very toxic place to work.

We didn’t want to be a fashion artists and for a good half of our career we didn’t like it. We always wanted to do other things. We do what we feels.

Paintings represent democracy in art.  Sometimes incompetence is useful. It helps you keep an open mind. Beauty is perfect in its imperfections, so you just have to go with the imperfections.

Thank you for supporting!

We have never been cool, but we felt cool. We have been in the cool place, but we were not really cool – We tried to pass for hip or cool. It’s the awkwardness that’s nice.

You cannot be creative with people around you. An beautiful artwork that reveals a human’s career is the most disgusting thing we have ever seen. We think in the darkest moments, we need a break.

With all our love.

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